Farewell to jacqui

Extract of Goodbye Speech by Cheryl Whittle – Event Attended by Staff, Family and Partners

Where do I begin, today we are all here to celebrate your 15 years of service with WFHA, to say goodbye and to wish you a happy retirement.

I have only know you for just over 4 years of your 15 year service, during this time I feel I have got to know you pretty well, you have shown sheer dedication to the tenants which you have supported, you have assisted hundreds of tenants, making sure they have had the services they require, making them feel safe secure and able to live an independent life as possible and I know if they could be here today they would only highlight and support my words.

There has been many changes during your time with WFHA and but throughout you have always had the best interests of the tenants at heart and wanted to make sure they were not forgotten.

Over the years you have also supported my decisions and understood why I have made them, you have also been a great support to me personally, and I will treasure that about you.

We have been through sad deaths, bed bugs, missing tenants, safeguarding alerts far too many experiences to write down.

Most of all I will miss YOU. The team and WFHA will not be the same without you and I whole heartedly wish you a happy and long retirement , take this time to do things for you enjoy it, as you never know when I may call on you for some cover !!!

Take care of you and do not be a stranger!