Most of our sheltered housing flats go to people put forward by Waltham Forest Council.

However, we also keep a limited waiting list. When our waiting list is open, we can accept the names of people who are aged 55 and over. When we fill a vacancy from our waiting list, we choose the person who most needs rehousing.

If our waiting list is shown as open, you can apply to be added by downloading and completing our application form. You can also phone our head office for a paper copy (see below).

When we receive your application, we will let you know we have received it and invite you for an interview. We can then accept you onto the list.

We will not be able to say how long you might wait.

WFHA Waiting list is closed.

Due to high demand, our waiting list is closed until further notice, and we are not accepting applications at this time. You can continue to check this website to see if the list has been reopened. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.