Healthwatch waltham forest

What is Healthwatch Waltham Forest?

Healthwatch is the new name for organisations that help children, young people and adults speak up about health and social care in England.

They came into being on 1 April 2013. Healthwatch Waltham Forest is our local Healthwatch organisation. They provide opportunities for patients and the public to share their views, experiences, comments and concerns around health and social care services in Waltham Forest.

They use your individual experiences, and the collective voice to have real influence on local services.

Healthwatch Waltham Forest can help members of the public, local voluntary and third sector groups, and people who use health and social care services to speak out and influence decisions affecting those services, making sure that they meet the needs of the individuals and communities that use them.

As residents, users, carers, and families and friends of those that use services in the area, Healthwatch Waltham Forest want to hear from you. Please contact Jaime or Susan on 020 3078 9990 or email to get in touch and share your story.

They would like to invite everyone to become a member of Healthwatch Waltham Forest. Once you are a member you can also get more involved. This might be through volunteering, becoming a Healthwatch representative, becoming a Friend of a local health or social care service, joining our Board or Advisory Board, or participating in ‘Enter & View visits to health and social care services where there may be particular concerns.

If you would like to become a member you can visit the website or alternatively contact Jaime or Susan, as detailed above.

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