Important notice – gas and central heating repairs service

As from Tuesday 1st September 2015 our new contractor is Purdy Contracts Ltd and they will be carrying out all gas related heating and hot water repairs and annual gas safety tests.

If you need a boiler or central heating repair from 1st September 2015 please call Purdy’s on:-

Monday to Friday (9.00am to 5.00pm)- 01992 703 410

Evenings and Weekends – 01992 703 412

Your gas safety test will be carried out every 10 months. Purdy’s will have the date of your last test and will write to you shortly before your next test is due to offer an appointment. You must respond to this letter and agree the appointment or make a convenient appointment for the next earliest appointment date. This test must, by law, be carried out. Please do not ignore any letters or access cards you might receive about this.

If you have any queries please contact our customer services team on 0208 524 6987.