Decent Homes

The Decent Homes Standard is set by government to ensure that all housing association homes meet certain minimum standard.

There are four criteria that we consider when planning our Decent Homes Improvement works. These determine whether or not a home is considered ‘non-decent’.

Is your home decent?
Would your home would fail the Decent Home Standard when assessed against the below criteria? Click on the links below to find out.

To fail this means one or more of the key components (e.g. external walls/roof/windows/ doors/boiler) must be old AND in poor condition or two or more of the other building components (e.g. kitchen/bathroom) must be old AND in poor condition.

To fail this means your home must lack three or more of the following:

  • a kitchen less than 20 years old
  • a kitchen with adequate space and layout
  • a bathroom less than 30 years old
  • a bathroom and toilet in an appropriate location
  • adequate insulation against external noise
  • adequately sized and well laid out common areas in flats

To fail a property would not provide a reasonable degree of thermal comfort i.e. efficient heating and effective insulation.

Every 5 years we carry out a stock condition survey. This tells us whether our homes are decent or not and what works may be required. We then prepare a programme of works including new kitchens, bathrooms, windows and roofs. We will let you know in advance when these works will be carried out and will consult with you and give choice of materials and colour where possible.