The WFHA Support Services Team comprises of four Sheltered Housing Officers who deliver a Floating Support Service to our Sheltered Tenants; our Support Services Manager and the Director of Housing and Support.
The Floating Support team provides you with support, advice and signposting you to services that enable you to live independently in your own home, delivering a personalised support plan, tailored to each individual tenant.
Our Sheltered Housing Officers work between 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday on a rota basis across all sheltered schemes within the borough.
Our Support Services Manager delivers a Housing Management/ Landlord service to all our Learning Disability Schemes working in partnership with external support providers.
Our Support Services Team provide the following services to all Sheltered Tenants
- 24- hour emergency alarm cover
- Advice, Support and Signposting to enable tenants to be able to remain living independently in their own home.
- Support to tenants to actively participate in activities
- Supporting tenants with identified needs to remain independent
- Encouragement to discuss any concerns they may have.
- Welfare Benefit advice and guidance, including form-filling etc.
- Individually tailored support plans
- General advice for independent living
- Facilitating any additional support where required
- Advocacy work with tenants