The simple way to pay your rent
September 24, 2013 News | Share
We are pleased to tell you that WFHA are now able to accept rent payments by direct debit.
The direct debit process provides the simplest and most convenient way to pay your rent. It gives peace of mind and ensures that you do not miss payments or fall into arrears. Linked to this change, we are introducing a scheme to encourage you to move to this form of payment, and also keep your account in credit.
Every three months we will hold a draw with a cash prize of £100. To be eligible to join the draw you must pay by direct debit, and also have kept your rent account at least one week in credit over the past three months.
If you want to move to direct debit payments, please do not hesitate to contact the office on 020 8524 6987 and we will be happy to help you set this up.