WFHA celebrate 50th anniversary
June 27, 2013 News | Share
WFHA celebrates 50 years of providing housing and support services in the London Borough of Waltham Forest.
53 guests attended a special Anniversary lunch hosted by Rt. Hon Iain Duncan Smith at the House of Commons on Thursday 27th June 2013 to celebrate WFHAs 50th Anniversary.
Tenants, staff and Board were joined by two of the boroughs MPs, Iain Duncan Smith and John Cryer; the Mayor of Waltham Forest, Cllr Ali; partners past and present and former staff and board members.
David Orr, CEO of National Housing Federation and Imogen Parry, former Chair of Erosh joined Iain Duncan Smith as guest speakers.
Iain Duncan Smith commented, I was thrilled to host WFHAs 50th Anniversary lunch at the House of Common. WFHA are a remarkable organisation with a real passion for what they do. I have been a supporter of Linda(Milton) and Hayley(Mulhall), and WFHA, for many years, and I will continue to support them. I hope they will do another 50 years!â€
This support was echoed by David Orr, WFHA demonstrates every day the huge impact that relatively small organisations can make in transforming lives. It is a housing association that really lives its values.
Linda Milton, Chief Executive opened the celebrations with a welcoming speech that included words from one of their founder Members, Don Huntingford, now 93 and unable to attend the event. When asked why Chingford Lions decided to set up a Housing Association back in 1963, he simply replied ‘It seemed like a good idea at the time.’
Lets hope that those good ideas keep coming and WFHA grow and flourish for the next 50 years.