This section explains WFHA’s role in ensuring that your home is well maintained.
Your tenancy agreement includes the following tenant’s duty:
To make good any damage and pay for the cost of any repairs to the property, its fixtures fittings and installations, and any other common areas, caused by the tenant members of your household, invited visitors or pets. The Association may carry out such works and charge the cost to the Tenant.
If, when you report a repair, it seems possible that the cost may have to be recharged, the staff member dealing with your call will explain this, and the process for informing you whether there will be a recharge and payment after that.
This refers to large scale repairs or improvement projects. The amount of money involved is considerable and we can only complete these when funding is available.
As a landlord we have obligations under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998. These specifically deal with the installation, maintenance and use of gas appliances, fittings and flues, and place duties on us to ensure that gas appliances, fittings and flues provided for tenants’ use are safe.
We therefore need to ensure that an annual safety check is carried out on each gas appliance/flue, so each property should have a Gas Safety check every 12 months. Waltham Forest Housing Association uses Gas-safe engineers. For this process to work we require your co-operation to give our engineers access. So when you receive your notification letters please ring and make an appointment – IT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY.
In the event of an emergency outside office hours, Sheltered tenants should use their communal alarm system.
If you have an emergency repair out of office hours, please phone 020 8524 2822. Your call will be diverted to our out of hours call centre, who will arrange for any remedial works to be carried out by our contractor.